Monday, May 16, 2011

Divied and Conquered

Hello I am a 35 year old male born and raised in the Washington D.C. Metropolitan area. I have only traveled to one other country and a couple of states on the east coast. When i was in high school i could not stand history, I constantly received a "D" grade for my efforts and still maintained a 3.71 GPA. As I got older and slowed down on chasing women, I started to pay attention to the world, community, relationships. there is so much to say and i have to admit, I do not have the skills to covey my thoughts in the form of an essay or a proper write up because these things did not interest me as a student. Thoughts may jump around but i am sure in time they will tie in together and you should understand where i am coming from agreed or not.

Let me start on what i think is the core of this whole thing. I believe that the masses are concerned with the way they are viewed by the rest, image is a big part of bonding us to a status quote and holds most of us back from being who we where born to be, The laws of the creator ( whom ever you call him/her) is the first layer in this thing, this is what develops our conscience as children and helps with right and wrong reasoning. the way we communicate to the creator is the first step in the division of us all. There are so many different Religions and stories and the most popular and the most received would be the story of Jesus. I already know for some of you reading this who are staunch Christians have already condemned me to hell and are about to stop reading my post. But this is not about one religion or another it is about the way they are pitted against each other so that you do not associate yourself with another who dose not believe in what you believe. In my opinion this causes the biggest separation in unity amongst us and is detrimental to growth as a whole in society.

Next is culture, for thousands of years we follow each-other in fashion, associations, emulate what is hip on the television, follow peers in whats fun, follow rules set by your people etc. in order to have a place of acceptance. This too divides us and keeps us from uniting, afraid of being seen or singled out and more importantly not accepted, this in itself shows that we need each-other for mental stability and support throughout daily life. Could image a world without boarders and a place for everyone at the same time.

In my opinion I feel that most of us have been hypnotized since consciousness, the same way we learn language is the same way we learn to live in this world of division, Please do not get me wrong I consider myself am optimist and i believe before i past on I will see great change in this world for the better of the masses after the masses wake up and take control of themselves.

Lets look at the Television, I am not a big T.V. watcher and do not get me wrong this is one of the Greatest inventions of all times the television has the most potential to unite the world with sounds and images, and most think that the T.V. is doing just that but in fact it is not it perpetuates everything with false images for the masses mostly used as a tool to show off the life style of the top 5% in financial income. It mostly dose not depict everyday people, and when everyday people are on television the atmosphere is drab and depressing and make you not want to face you own life with happiness because the T.V. tells you your struggling and you need to get money to have a better life, this is the pickle! Do you spend the best part of the day hustling for money to take a vacation once a year to grind out for the rest of the year while your employer is living the life we all deserve? No you shouldn't have to but the game we are born in has us trapped in a cycle where you do not work for someone then you die maybe not physically but mentally.

As i said before there is so much to say and writing on a fly is something I will have to get use to but what i want to convey is this is not the way we should be living. Every morning we are driving to work using fossil fuels which I believe if did not have to work everyday we would not drive as much, Home life and community would be the work of the day, could you image a neighborhood that had its own garden and live stock and as the community got larger so did food production because if you live there you are responsible for the upkeep and production, could you image school being year long but fun and children learn what ever the want to learn because it is in the interest, and they use what they love to do to contribute to the community and the world through love not necessity. how about travel no boarders and free, these things ought to be but we are all in fields like cattle bringing home the butter for the ones that harvest and crop us. When I think about a overhaul of the system, I think of chaos but chaos would be worth the reward once everything simmers down. I do not want my children to have to worry about competing for food or a place to live, I do not want my children to work for air and water these things should be free and they are not.

Our government spends enough money on W.A.R to send every child for a 4-yr college, but they make W.A.R to make money for the top 5%, the top 5% i am not envious of because i know if i was born in the top 5 i would not know any better and i would learn to deal with life without struggle, sure they may have sickness and death like us all, but the masses sickness is mostly stress induced and the stress is trying to get enough money to be comfortable.

This is the first post, I would love feed back Positive or otherwise, lets create a dialog of consciousness wake me up will you?! what can you add or correct?

I am just hearing that they are putting in the works that if the Government says you a terrorist then you do not get a trail and could be kept in jail forever if they decide that. This is getting really sick.. They also lifted a restriction on the Armed forces to use full military force on the civilians of America! What is this Obama dude doing up there? Nothing! He is just Hollywood….

The point is the internet , the thing you are using this very moment allowed us to research whatever you want and some folks that was dumb in school are holding classes now because they educated themselves on what they felt was important to them. Point is the knowledge of the foundation of this game has been exposed but most have not caught on yet… FOX News and all the other news channels that have commercials on them will never tell you….in fact the T.V. itself is designed in a way it programs you as you watch your program…There are six people that own and Control television in a whole and on one commercial news outlet the feeds all local stations. I am sure we all have seen Spiderman and have witness scenes where Peter’s boss Okays and stops the press, well that is a real thing in the real world. The folks who tell Obama what to say, own your T.V. program. Understand there are many variables.

           Petroleum is so expensive because it is one of the most important resources we have to sustain our population. It is in everything we do the plastics and even in the fertilizers to help grow food faster than before is a direct effect of petroleum.Petroleum is liquid Gold and this is why Gadhafi wanted gold to pay for his oil and ultimately you have Hilary Cliton laughing and cheering at his death on Broadcasts on TV.. Listen your parents was raised in a smoke screen like their parents so on and so forth, there are families that has the inside scoop on how your body reacts to all type of situations and even way more knowledge than that!

        What if you had so much money that whoever has your blood wouldn't have to work? If you was smart you would do what you have to make sure hundreds of years from now you had a plan in place where your family could be protected to maintain this….Look at Lord Baltimore He made a deal with the Government back in the day whereas Baltimore Maryland all of the land belongs to the family and they get paid for every building sitting on their land!

     I am not writing to scare you or to cry about being broke , I am writing because I wish I knew these things or this atmosphere from a child. I would have approached things differently. So in many ways I hope this helps you and that is the point. We as a people should not be happy with crumbs, when you can live the way you want to and you do not have to have the world watching your every restroom break (Kardashians) to enjoy wealth. Honestly, you’re not wealthy until your mind is wealthy first. I really believe the money aspect was a good motivator to build this world up but now I think it has run its course…It is starting to do more harm than good….Money paper is worth lives. If you believe GOD made us and we belong to him then what makes you think you can take the life of his children? Well, Most of the folks calling the shots believe there is no GOD.. They believe in a genetic mutation from an alien race or evolution. So with that said you are to them what a cow is to a farmer. These people are not dumb and they have hi-jack knowledge from ancient doctrines and have knowledge about how humans operate so on and so forth. What do you do in the situation?

       My favorite movie the Matrix tells you the entire story in a nut shell. We are slaves, they also believe we were designed to be slaves and it is apparent that this is true because most of us do what we are told because it is the way of the world. Take a look and technology. Do you know that most of the things we have today are made in automated factories? Do you know that we can have free electricity? Do you understand you going to work every day distracts you from thinking outside of the box? Please understand that it is not a game. Yes we need to have people to cultivate the land to grow food, yes we need clean water, yes we need to be educated and yes we need shelter. Do you understand every single thing you see, every single thing you use at one point came from the ground you walk on? Do you understand that you yourself could create these products only if you had knowledge? My point is that you do not have to rely on others to get what you want, If you lived in a society that allowed you to do research with no expense besides resources then you to could create and distribute whatever products to whomever for free if it was something that made life easier and it was good for the environment.  My point I am making is to show why you have to work every day, why you have to pay for everything. I am saying who gives the right to a select few to control what comes out of the earth? This planet is ours. This started way back in the day when we had kings and queens. We have dominion over our land and the things that are on it not other humans! This has been the problem clear up to now.

        I am a Black Man from the United States Of America, I have talked to people from many countries, and the general consensus from around the world Black Americans are the worst humans on the planet unless they are entertaining. Oprah, Rappers and sports Stars are seen as GODs but the people they represent are seen as less than human.  Listen I always say if it wasn't for my folks fighting for 400 years than whoever would have come to this country and wasn't White would have been slaves, My point is the Civil rights movement brought oppression to light and to the forefront.  Black Americans Stood with The Hispanics Whites, Asians Everyone was there to listen to Dr. King, What I am saying is it seems to be a sibling rivalry, People from other countries look at the black like they have so much at their fingertips and they are not using it. Well Like I said I am black, My Strongest Skill-set is in construction and property managemnet and everywhere I look the staff is Latino. I do not have a problem with Latinos and I will admit working alongside of them I do not know who works harder than they do, but what you have to understand is that they are faced with that type of work or nothing if they had to be home. Most of their countries are underdeveloped and drug wars rule, this is heaven to them when if you have any knowledge of Jim Crow and the psyche of how slaves where tampered with then you could see the deep division with Blacks in the USA.  We do not trust each other the same way the rest of the world sees us. This is unfair and it has everything to do with power and money,  I could go on for days and continue to break this down and I will but I will leave it here to have someone chime in and help me see what others are thinking.